Enabling curious and courageous leaders.

I want to…
Focus HR is now an accredited provider of Blanchard’s award-winning leadership development programs.

Leadership is a privilege, not a right. And we believe that powerful leadership traits can be developed. Focus HR’s custom-designed LEAP offers workshop style learning with experienced facilitators. This unique program combines emotional intelligence, personality profiling and skills development, making it a comprehensive leadership program.

Leading Teams Training
Managers need to understand how to get the best from their teams and confidently deal with problems. We know people are often promoted based on technical skills but not always trained in people management. So our series of short (1 to 2 hour) workshops give the knowledge and skills to be effective in supervisor and manager roles.
Check out the workshops here

DiSC for Management
Leaders who understand and adapt to individuals in their teams create cohesive, powerful, high-performance teams. We know peoples’ actions, behaviours and emotions don’t always make sense. Which is why we love the insightful framework provided by the DiSC for leaders profiles and workshops which create impactful leaders by guiding participants to successfully engage, motivate and develop their people.

Emotional Intelligence
Everyone has emotions – it‘s a part of being human. And whether we realise it or not, these emotions impact us – and those around us – every day. In the workplace, EI underlies our empathy, leadership and resilience. We deliver Genos EI programs which develop self-awareness, awareness of others, authenticity, emotional reasoning, self-management and positive influence.
I knew I had a lot of work to do with regards to how I managed my team and how my expectations where not always realistic when it comes to managing such a diverse group of people. Focus HR are a perfect HR solution for my business. The Focus HR team have provided me with tools to execute and have empowered and enabled me to work on developing my own processes in the future. We are, and will continue to be, a much better business as a result of Focus HR’s solid work.
Penny Dowling, Owner

Leading Teams Training
Managers need to understand how to get the best from their teams and confidently deal with problems. We know people are often promoted based on technical skills but not always trained in people management. So our series of short (1 to 2 hour) workshops give the knowledge and skills to be effective in supervisor and manager roles.

Four Agreements
Effecting behavioural or performance changes are most effective when the employee has ownership of the outcome. The Four Agreements, devised by John Spence, is designed to set performance improvement goals, clarify expectations, devise joint solutions and ensure accountability through the performance improvement process.

General HR Support
Whether it is attracting and retaining great people, keeping people happy and engaged, or building winning cultures, great people practices are essential. We get that this can be challenging with complex legislation, the intricacies of human behaviour and the curveballs your people might throw at you. Our experienced team have the experience and tools to help guide you through any people situation.
I knew I had a lot of work to do with regards to how I managed my team and how my expectations where not always realistic when it comes to managing such a diverse group of people. Focus HR are a perfect HR solution for my business. The Focus HR team have provided me with tools to execute and have empowered and enabled me to work on developing my own processes in the future. We are, and will continue to be, a much better business as a result of Focus HR’s solid work.
Penny Dowling, Owner

Culture Workshop
Successful businesses have cultures based on strongly held and widely shared beliefs supported by strategy and structure. Company culture comprises the beliefs, values and behaviours that influence how employees and leadership interact with each other and your customers. Our facilitated workshops aim to identify unique cultural elements, enable team members to identify linked behaviours and aligns the team to the culture.

Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team
The single most untapped competitive advantage is teamwork. Based on the work of best-selling author, Patrick Lencioni, the 5-Behaviours guides teams through the hard work and huge payoff of forming a cohesive, productive team.

DiSC for workplace
DiSC is a simple yet powerful personality profiling model. We see every day how teams with greater understanding of self, and insights into differences, experience more enjoyable and effective workplace interactions. The profiles and our facilitated workshops create a more engaged and collaborative workforce, forging strong cultures and higher performance.

DiSC for Productive Conflict
Workplace conflict is inevitable. But we believe that conflict should not be viewed negatively. Conflict is what stretches us, challenges the status quo, and leads us to innovate. DiSC for Productive Conflict increases self-awareness, discovers destructive and productive conflict behaviours which ultimately improves workplace results and relationships. This is not your average conflict resolution program.
The DiSC Workshop facilitated by Focus HR for TASC was a great success…
As a management team with new members, it was rewarding to be able to discuss our various management and communication styles in such a professionally facilitated forum. It gave us confidence to be able to communicate openly and clearly with each other. The Facilitator’s knowledge of the content and process and her ability to support us through the discussion added enormous value to the exercise. We are communicating better, we understand each other better, and we are more connected as a team as a result of this process.
Philippa Whitman, Principal Lawyer and Chief Executive Officer, TASC

Practical training for managers and supervisors
A series of interactive workshops focusing on the issues managers most often encounter.