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Revenue Per FTE

Revenue Per FTE

Revenue per full-time equivalent (FTE) is a key business metric used to measure how much revenue your people generate for your business, providing insight into how effective a business’s workforce is in terms of productivity and performance. This...

Leading Successful Change in your Workplace

Leading Successful Change in your Workplace

– Tamara Stopford, Leadership & Engagement Consultant Change is something that we have all experienced to varying degrees.  In our personal lives, change may look like moving schools, relocating, getting married, having children.  In our...

Business Strategy & Vision – How do You Score?

Business Strategy & Vision – How do You Score?

Every business leader serious about running a thriving business needs to give attention, focus and time to nurturing their strategic plan. To win in business today, you'll need a plan... A plan your team knows and can implement effectively. At...

QFVG Partners Who Care

QFVG Partners Who Care

Queensland Fruit & Vegetable Growers (QFVG) is the state industry body representing Queensland’s commercial fruit, vegetable, and nut growers. For the past few years, Focus HR has been providing workplace relations advice to their wonderful...

IR Update July 2024 | The Season of IR Change

IR Update July 2024 | The Season of IR Change

The past 12 months have seen a raft of IR changes in Australia. It has left employer spinning, madly trying to understand the practicalities of the legislation and figuring out what does and does not impact on their business. Our team has spent the...

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