4 Day Week Journey.

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4 Day Week Insights

4 Day Week Insights

Focus HR has been on a journey for the past two years, working towards implementing the 4 Day Week, achieving 100% productivity, in 80% of the time, with 100% pay. It’s not about compacting 38 hours into four days.  It is about being truly...

Where did all of this start? – Alistair

Where did all of this start? – Alistair

Like most of my ideas, thoughts and pursuits, the 4 Day Week gem came from a series of books. Books, reflection, application of ideas and me getting really frustrated with my inability to make genuine, lasting change… I felt like I have been on a...

Considering the juggle – Jessica

Considering the juggle – Jessica

When we were first introduced to the idea of the 4 Day Week I was excited at the concept, and my first thought was if we ever did it I wouldn’t take a whole day off at once, but would try and split my time during the week and leave work early on a...

Converting the Sceptic – Naomi

Converting the Sceptic – Naomi

I had a conversation with Alistair about the 4 day week again. He knows that I am a sceptic, he knows that I've got fears around it. And he also knows that I am absolutely open to those preconceptions being challenged and for my scepticism to be...

Initial thoughts – Eloise

Initial thoughts – Eloise

When Alistair first mentioned the idea of a 4 day work week my mind immediately went to longer hours, more work and increased stress and pressure. I wondered if it was possible - could we achieve the holy grail of the 4 day work week? And if we...

Pitching to the Team – Naomi

Pitching to the Team – Naomi

We had the discussion with the team where Alistair pitched the 4 day week concept. I say 'pitched' but he was very careful not to be 'salesy'. He presented to the team on the Andrew Barnes model of the 4 day week - what the challenges were, what...

After the Pitch – Eloise

After the Pitch – Eloise

Walking into this meeting I was in two minds, full of questions and open to the possibilities. By the end of Alistair’s pitch, I felt I had some clarity around what a 4 Day Week was, how it worked and its success. Everyone in the team was feeling...

Making a (realistic) Plan – Naomi

Making a (realistic) Plan – Naomi

So we've had our next session on planning out how to do our 4 day week. And one of the things that's making me more comfortable is that we are taking quite a planned approach to this so we are looking at how do we do it in such a way that we are...

The Road Map – Eloise

The Road Map – Eloise

I walked into this meeting with a notepad full of questions. I think my biggest hesitation, or the things that I thought would hold us back from achieving the 4DW was our ability to effectively value and manage our time, planning our capacity and...

What is our Motivation? – Naomi

What is our Motivation? – Naomi

We had an interesting conversation yesterday about why are we even doing a four day week and it seems odd to have that conversation six months after we first started talking seriously about implementing a 4DW, but it's a valid question.  We've got...

Sharing the Journey – Naomi

Sharing the Journey – Naomi

I finally worked up the guts to share the concept of a 4DW with Scott while we drove north for a family holiday. Why did I need to work up to it?  Because I know he would be fully sceptical, I think I feared to the point of ridicule or scoffing. At...

What is a Clayton’s Gift Day? – Naomi

What is a Clayton’s Gift Day? – Naomi

Tomorrow is the start of our Clayton's Gift Day.  I'd never heard of a 'Clayton's' before but Pauline dubbed our 5th day a Clayton's day in our team meeting and explained that a 'Clayton's was a type of non-alcoholic whisky and became slang for...

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