Reinforcing, skill-building & corrective feedback


Everyone can give feedback, but giving effective feedback in a way that gets the desired result is a learned skill. This session will cover both formal and informal feedback and […]


Creating a High Performance Culture


Managers play a key role in influencing the performance and productivity of their teams. While the temptation is to sit back and expect that goals are met, and scramble to […]


Effective Meetings – A Leading Teams Workshop


Meetings can often be a ‘we’ll do this because we have to’ race-through or a drawn-out time waster for everyone involved. Both options are expensive for the business. This session […]


Managing Leave – A Leading Teams Workshop


Leave, whether it is sick leave, carer’s leave, compassionate leave or annual leave, is something that all managers have to deal with, but few understand what they can and can’t […]


Communication – A Leading Teams Workshop


Communication is a huge topic, so we focus on a few key areas that deliver great results for teams and businesses. We’ll talk about communication styles and channels and how […]
