Dealing with someone who isn’t performing at the level they should be is frustrating, stressful, exhausting, and time-consuming. NOT dealing with a poor performer can be equally as difficult while risking the productivity, motivation and engagement of your good performers.
It is, however, a critical aspect of leadership, and one that leaders unfortunately can’t escape from.
So how can you best manage situations that can be so variable, emotive and potentially risky? A practical model with easy-to-follow steps is a proven way to stay on track.
The following framework for managing underperformance has 3 stages.
Step 1: Identify
- It is important to correctly and specifically identify and analyse the problem.
- Why is the performance a problem? Does it affect productivity; does it impact clients or the team; is there a safety concern; is the issue a breach of policy/procedure?
- Can we be sure the employee is aware of the problem and has received adequate training?
- Have we had previous discussions with this employee? What is their performance history?
- At this stage it is important to gather as much information as possible as to what the problem is, as well as why it is a problem.
Step 2: Act
- Discuss the problem with the employee
- What is the problem; why it is a problem; what are the impacts
- Enquire if there is a reason for the poor performance /conduct
- It is important to explore the problem fully to be able to create the right solution and a clear path of action going forward.
Step 3: Monitor
- There is no use in doing all the work in step 1 and 2 if you don’t inspect what you expect!
- Monitor performance as an opportunity to provide feedback and encouragement, or redirect if needed.
- This step will allow for resolution of the performance issues, or further action if performance does not improve.
By understanding the root cause of performance issues, providing constructive feedback, and supporting employees, leaders can address the challenges of underperformance.
Join our interactive and practical workshop on Thursday September 19 for more hints and tips on Managing Poor Performance.