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Changes to Flexible Work Requests – 6 June 2023

Changes to Flexible Work Requests – 6 June 2023

The Secure Jobs Better Pay Bill next round of changes are due to take effect on 6 June 2023, including provisions which will result in more employees being able to access flexible working arrangements. The key changes are an expanded scope for...

Prepare for Minimum Wage Rate & Superannuation Changes

Prepare for Minimum Wage Rate & Superannuation Changes

Fair Work Minimum Wage Decision Pending  It is that time of year again … we are starting to monitor the discussions and potential outcomes of Fair Work’s decision on changes to the national minimum wage.  Decisions are typically released in...

6th June 2023 Deadline for Zombie Agreement Notification Letters

6th June 2023 Deadline for Zombie Agreement Notification Letters

If you are an employer with a have a pre-2010 agreement that covers one or more employees (also known a ‘zombie agreement’), you are required to notify affected employees in writing about the sunsetting of the agreement. You must do this before 7...

Significant Changes to the Professional Employees Award

Significant Changes to the Professional Employees Award

The Fair Work Commission has recently amended the Professional Employees Award 2020 (the Award) to include:   the entitlement to be paid overtime or receive time off in lieu of overtime for working in excess of 38 hours per week;  penalty rates for...

Changes to Paid Parental Leave

Changes to Paid Parental Leave

The Paid Parental Leave Amendment (Improvements for Families and Gender Equality) Bill 2022 passed on 6 March 2023. Key changes to the Paid Parental Leave scheme include: Extending parental leave pay from 18 weeks to 20 weeks from 1 July 2023, with...

Zombie Workplace Agreements on notice

Zombie Workplace Agreements on notice

Article courtesy of Smart Company Businesses reliant on more than 100,000 zombie agreements have been put on notice by the Fair Work Commission (FWC), thanks to a massive spreadsheet of ageing workplace agreements set to automatically dissolve at...

Family & Domestic Violence Leave – Q and A

Family & Domestic Violence Leave – Q and A

You can find some of the questions we have come across regarding this issue here. Please don't hesitate to contact our team if you have any questions or issues. Q: What is a Small Business Employer Headcount? A: When looking at whether you are a...

Shutdown Provisions in Awards Locked Down

Shutdown Provisions in Awards Locked Down

The Commission has issued a Decision publishing a new model term that will replace the shutdown provisions in 78 modern awards. The variations to the 78 impacted awards will take effect on 1 May 2023. Directed Leave Without Pay   The Commission...

Fair Work Commission Decision: Refusal of Leave Lawful

Fair Work Commission Decision: Refusal of Leave Lawful

In Ms Sandra Barresi v Harris Scarfe Pty Ltd T/A Harris Scarfe [2022] FWC 3293, the Fair Work Commission has upheld an employer’s decision to reject an employee’s application to take leave during the company’s busiest trading period.  The...

Major IR Legislative Changes Bill Passed Federal Parliament

Major IR Legislative Changes Bill Passed Federal Parliament

The Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022 passed Federal Parliament on Friday the 2nd of December 2022 and is now only one small step away from becoming law.  When the bill receives royal assent, we will see some of...

IR Alert – Respect at Work Bill passed

IR Alert – Respect at Work Bill passed

The Respect at Work Bill has passed Parliament which means the new positive duty on employers to take reasonable and proportionate measures to eliminate sex discrimination, sexual harassment and victimisation is just around the corner. Once the...

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