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Our Strategy on a Page Journey

Our Strategy on a Page Journey

In 2011 I took the scary step of starting my own consultancy. I was pleasantly surprised (and relieved!) by the demand and over the following four years grew at an increasingly rapid rate so that by 2015 I had a team of five.  It had started to...

Our strategy existential crisis

Our strategy existential crisis

My business partner had me stumped when he asked 'how can I possibly tell business owners that strategy is important when something like Covid-19 can come along and make all the planning in the world useless'? ... For many years we have subscribed...

Don’t get stuck in crisis mode

Don’t get stuck in crisis mode

The last 3 months has been a time like nothing we have ever experienced. This pandemic has touched every aspect of our lives - our health, our work, our finances, and our fundamental freedom to live life the way we have become accustomed to. While...

Change your perspective

Change your perspective

It is crucial that businesses keep themselves strong and viable for the future beyond Covid-19, but to do this they must change their perspective ... There is a lot of information out there right now about the legislation and compliance behind...

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